


With the aggravation of market competition, enterprises have invested more and more manpower and material resources in the construction and training of sales teams in order to improve sales ability, but the effect is negligible. In addition, in most enterprises, many factors affect sales, such as insufficient sales execution, poor communication, and so on. Based on the current situation of the enterprise, a mobile sales management system is developed. Mobile sales management system can expand the platform of the enterprise through the mobile phone of the salesperson, increase communication within the enterprise, standardize the operation of the salesperson, and promote the sales management of the enterprise to a higher level. So among so many mobile sales management system companies, which one is better? Now let's take a look.


Before we know which mobile sales management system is good, let's first look at what a mobile sales management system is. Mobile sales management system uses advanced wireless transmission technology to provide an information management platform between enterprise management and sales personnel. It improves sales execution, strengthens communication, standardizes the workflow of terminal sales personnel, improves sales efficiency, and can supervise sales personnel outside. It improves the sales ability of the enterprise and reduces the management cost.

说到移动销售管理系统,哪个好?最近,市场上有一家公司更为成功,那就是Tungee。作为一家专业的移动销售管理专家企业,Tungee 在软件开发和应用方面取得了重大突破和成功。在实际应用过程中也有丰富的案例。我们来看看移动销售管理系统的功能:

When it comes to mobile sales management system, which one is better? Recently, one of the more successful companies in the market is Tungee. As a professional mobile sales management expert enterprise, Tungee has made a significant breakthrough and success in software development and application. There are also many cases in the actual application process. Let's look at the capabilities of the mobile sales management system:


1. Lead Management: Make Good Use of Resources, Accurate Marketing


Obtain sales leads through multiple channels and carry out standardized management in the whole process, which is controllable and efficient. Multidimensional management of the clue library, optimize the allocation of resources, and improve the efficiency and conversion rate of clue tracking; From collecting, distributing, tracking and transforming leads to final orders, to carry out life cycle management, 360-degree visual analysis, and to correctly correct marketing strategies. Automatically assign threads to the employee pool and support auto-assign threads to the employee; Clues, customers and contacts support joint duplicate checks. Smart Forms: Collect external data efficiently throughout the business scene, flexibly customize processes, and achieve automatic marketing.


2. Customer management: data precipitation, High Sea circulation


Scan business cards or import batches, easily create customers, match and complete business registration information data, automatically check copy of anti-collision list; Use the high seas to classify and manage customers, match different follow-up strategies, shorten transaction cycle, improve transaction conversion rate, and maximize the use of customer resources; Mail exchanges, customer data, sales records and work information are automatically precipitated into the CRM system through associated customers, and established and maintained as a complete customer profile for the enterprise; From tracking, trading to after-sales, multi-person joint tracking, flexible and controllable rights, all-round and efficient cooperation. Customers support a variety of business types and layouts to enable different types of customers to maintain different information.


3. Visit Management: Reasonable Planning to Improve Efficiency Probe


Probe CRM provides a complete one-stop comprehensive customer visit solution, effectively managing the whole process of customer visit through planning, implementation, inspection, promotion, etc. Assist sales staff in planning visiting time, making visiting plans, visually and efficiently planning visiting routes, and moving according to plans; Customize access behavior, structure precipitation access data, clarify statistical views, improve access data collection and analysis, and help enterprises optimize customer terminal management.


4. Opportunity Management: Process Control, Win Step by Step


The multi-process business opportunity management model is suitable for enterprises with different sales models. Customize sales process, optimize sales process management, improve transaction transformation, and shorten transaction cycle; Intuitive sales funnel, predictable sales performance, controlled sales rhythm and analytic sales efficiency.



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